What are the precautions required for buying a flat in Hyderabad?


Buying a house or land takes immense caution. Only what a seller owns can be sold. As a result, if the seller has a legal and authentic title, you will acquire a valid title upon purchase. Only if the seller's title is defective will you obtain a defective title. Legal due diligence is essential when purchasing a home to avoid future legal issues. Here are a few precautions to take to buy a flat or villa in Hyderabad.

Examine the vendor's history:

Before purchasing a property, we all check the title deeds and other related documentation. If the vendor(s) are habitual offenders and are involved in real estate or other crimes, it is best to abandon the idea of purchasing the property from them regardless of whether the title is excellent or not.

Examine the property's title:

Any contract is built on the title of the property. The Indian Contract Act states that no seller can provide the purchaser with a better title than what he already holds. Check the seller's title before purchasing a property.

Verify the seller's title:

The vendor may have obtained his title through purchase, inheritance, partition, gift, settlement, or grant. There must be some kind of document to determine the source of the title.

Fake colour photostat copies:

The technology utilised in colour Photostat machines nowadays is quite advanced, and the copies produced by these machines are of great quality. Innocent buyers can be deceived by skilled vendors who give colour Photostat reproductions rather than the original.

Power of attorney holder's sale:

If the sale documents are being performed by someone with power of attorney on behalf of the owner, the power of attorney should be thoroughly scrutinised. The individual must not only have the authority to sell the property but the power of attorney must also be lawfully issued.

Check the minimum tenure of land if leased:

If the flat being purchased is in a building erected on leased ground, the flat owners will be required to pay the lease rent for the land. If the lease is about to expire, the lease rent may rise significantly.

Encumbrance Certificate: Check the Encumbrance Certificate (EC) issued by the subregister's office where the deed was registered, which states that there are no legal dues or complaints against the indicated land.

Verify the vendor's pictures and thumb impressions:

Section 32A of the Registration Act of 1908 states that in the case of a sale deed, both the vendor and buyer must attach their pictures and thumb imprints to the document. As a result, if your vendor purchased the property after 2001 using a registered document, you have to verify your seller's identification.

So these are the tips to buy a flat you need to be taking into count.

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